Funny motivational sarcastic saying "Don't be optimistic, it's annoying"

15 sarcastic sayings to make you laugh at work

Brighten up your workday with some good old fashioned sarcasm.

Some days you just feel like throwing shade. Have a bit of fun at work* with these snarky sayings!

Just be careful, some people have no sense of humour.


The world doesn’t care about your opinion…

Funny sarcastic saying "The world doesn't care about your opinion..."


You’re making it worse.

Sarcastic motivational saying "You're making it worse."


You have what it takes to be a great bad example.

Funny snarky sarcastic motivational saying "You have what it takes to be a great bad example."


When nothing goes right, go home.

Funny sarcastic demotivational sayings "When nothing goes right, go home."


Believe in yourself, someone should.

Sarcastic funny motivational saying "Believe in yourself, someone should."


Just laugh and pretend it was intentional.

Funny sarcastic clean humor motivational sayings "Just laugh and pretend it was intentional."


At least nobody died.

Funny clean humor sarcastic motivational saying for work "At least nobody died."


Imagine who you could be, then stop day dreaming and get back to work.

Funny motivational saying for business managers "Imagine who you could be, then stop day dreaming and get back to work."


Say NO to new opportunities, you can’t fit them in anyway.

Funny sarcastic clean humor sayings for work "Say NO to new opportunities, you can't fit them in anyway."


You’re not busy, you’re just slow…

Sarcastic funny motivational saying for work "You're not busy, you're just slow."


The best has come and gone.

Funny demotivational saying for work "The best has come and gone."


Today is full of yesterday’s failures.

Funny sarcastic saying for work colleges "Today is full of yesterday's failures"


The only way to do great work, is to give it to somebody else…

"the only way to do great work, is to give it to somebody else." funny snarky sarcastic saying clean humor for the workplace


Don’t be optimistic, it’s annoying.

Funny sarcastic saying for workplace "Don't be optimistic, it's annoying"


Good skills can be taught, good personalities not so much…

Sarcastic saying for work "good skills can be taught, good personalities not so much"

Funny, clean humour sayings with a hefty amount of sarcasm. These are just the thing to give you motivation or lighten up the chaos of your work day.

Save them for later, share them on your socials, or write them on sticky notes and hang them around the office.

These sayings all come from our Uncommon Daily Organiser! Snag some fun and snarky goodness to brighten up your workday.

Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more fun sarcastic goodness.

You can also check us out on Amazon**.

* Just remember, getting fired is an option…

** As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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